Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Behind in Blog

Hi folks, sorry about my blog not being up-to-date. As you would know, I'm no longer in Ireland. I'm actually now in Siena staying with Rosanna for a little while, so this will give me a chance to catch up on my blog, which I'm keen to do. So much has happened between leaving Ireland and arriving here.
I'll continue to write a post for each day. I generally make a start on the post in that day or at least take notes down, so I've got 30 odd posts on my iPhone here that I just need to expand upon and publish. Since a lot of this happened a while ago now, the posts may be a little shorter since I won't be able to remember all the details.
So why have I fallen over a month behind in my blog? Well primarily because I haven't found the time to write it. I've done a lot of long days on the bike and a lot of night time riding, so by the time I've set up the tent each night, all I want to do is go to sleep, and sleep takes priority over writing my blog. And when I'm in a hostel, I feel like I'm missing out on opportunities if I'm just sitting there writing my blog when there are lots of interesting people to meet and talk to, and cities to explore.
I want to publish my posts in chronological order, but I like to write the current days post first before I forget the details and thoughts and feelings, which means the older posts haven't been getting written...until now.
This will also give me the chance to take a much needed rest after two months of solid touring, while I hang out in the beautiful university town of Siena, full of interesting medieval architecture.

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