Friday November 26, 2010
So today was to be the day I finally left the lovely Siena, but you know how sometimes time just gets away from you? It always seems to get away from me, anyway. I just can't get a hold of it. Time is fascinating, I think about it all the time, it's such an important thing. I'm always so conscious of trying to use my time effectively, and always like to be doing something.
Rosie and Pedro in their living room in Siena. |
During the mid-afternoon, it was so cold that it briefly snowed! I was chilling here outside the economics faculty.
Out the back of the Economics Factulty at the University in Siena. |
In the late afternoon, I was still working on the web-log, and Sam came over. I got distracted with music, and playing the guitar with them.
Rosie and Sam playing the guitar. |
Rosie and Sam playing the guitar.
And then it was dark. Hmm. I've left in the dark before, Vienna for example. I hadn't eaten since breakfast though, so I rode to the supermarket, bought food for tea and for the trip. I decided it wasn't worth heading off that night and that I'd head off early in the morning instead, and be fully ready to go.
Rosie and I cooked pancakes for tea, with Nutella and ice-cream.
Rosie cooking pancakes for tea. |
Rosie eating a pancake with Nutella for tea. |
Maja eating a pancake for tea. |
Then I cooked a beef stroganoff to take with me for lunch.
A few people came over to hang out. Notice how all these Europeans smoke. Not good!
Some of Rosie's friends in Siena. |
Folks hanging out in Rosie's living room in Siena. Rosie on the left, Sam on the right. |
I opted not to go to a party at Mo's place with everyone else, so that I could be fully organised and ready to go in the morning.
Then it started snowing, it was amazing!
Standing just outside Rosie's flat in Siena, with light snow falling. |
Standing just outside Rosie's flat in Siena, with light snow falling. |
Thinking I had plenty of time though, I went into inefficient mode, and so I was up until after 5 am, still not organised. I'll have to pack up in the morning, and download maps in the morning before I leave.
But hey, at least I've brought my blog fully up to date, for the first time since the start of the trip! Now I just have to keep it up-to-date.
Ride stats:
Distance: 4.24 km
Average: 15.9 km/h
Maximum: 39.3 km/h
Time: 16:09
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