Wednesday September 29, 2010
I was rudely awoken by the inconsiderate guests next door. The only other people in the hostel, and the manager puts us in rooms right next to each other? These people had no respect for their fellow guests (me), they didn't seem to consider that I might be trying to sleep at 7 am!
I opened the curtain and it was raining :( What a bummer, I guess it was just as well that I didn't camp out last night.
I had a big breakfast, used up 2 L of milk with corn flakes and weet-bix (although they're called "weetabix" over here), and I carried the last litre of milk I had left over with me.
The rain kindly died down by the time I was packed and ready to go. My mission today was to get to Edinburgh, I felt I'd been loitering around in England long enough and was keen to get to Scotland. I mostly followed the cycling network routes, bypassed the town of Eyemouth and got to the east coast.
I took this photo because it gave me a good excuse to take a break riding up the hill.
A photo from half way up a hill where I needed a breather. |
A typical road, on the south-east coast of Scotland. |
When I hit the coast it started raining quite heavily, so I sought shelter in the "Pease Bay Holiday Home Park, and took the opportunity to eat lunch, which consisted of half a left over pizza, four rolls with beef and tomato, two donuts and a litre of milk, I was very full!
Pease Bay, Scottish Borders |
Pease Bay, Scottish Borders
The rain died down and I pushed on, went through Dunbar, then Haddington, and finally got to the outskirts of Edinburgh, and slowly made my way into the centre.
Scottish Borders |
East Lothian area of Scotland. |
A large building surrounded by some kind of crop, in the East Lothian area of Scotland. |
East Lothian area of Scotland. |
East Lothian area of Scotland. Glad to see the sun peek through. |
East Lothian area of Scotland. |
Sun setting in the East Lothian area of Scotland |
The Innocent Railway Tunnel along the edge of Holyrood Park in Edinburgh, opened in 1831, 515 metres in length. |
It was about 9 pm when I got into the cente of Edinburgh. I hadn't organised a hostel and didn't know of any, so I found some free Wi-Fi and used the hostel world app on my iPhone. Caledonian Backpackers looked alright so I went there. It turned out to be a good choice, I reckon it's a great hostel. It only cost £9 per night, and has free Wi-Fi throughout the hostel, with computers which are free to use, and breakfast goes from 6am until 12 pm, how good is that?! I ate some left over pasta I had with me, and familiarised myself with the hostel. It has a kitchen, a bar, a TV room, pool tables and games, couches, even a cinema. And I was able to bring my bike in and lock it inside as well.
So as you can gather, I do like it here. The dorm I'm in has 38 people in it. Just a big L-shaped room with bunk beds all the way around. I don't mind being in a big room though, as long as people are considerate. It turned out there was an Indian couple that weren't considerate though, and they kept talking until about 2am, despite being told by several people to "Shhh". It doesn't matter which language you speak, everyone knows what "shhh" means, right?
Ride stats:
Distance: 144.85 km
Average: 18.5 km/h
Maximum: 55.1 km/h
Time: 7:48:00
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